Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fields National Park...
We decided to take a two day trip starting with Fields National Park. Just before the park we visited a Wildlife Reserve. It was neat that we were almost the only people there. Very peaceful. We bought some animal feed and hand fed some of the kangaroos. They didn't bite, but when they got excited about the food they would wrap their clawed fingers tightly around your hand to make sure you didn't leave before they finished their repast.

There was a lookout over a natural pond that hosted a family of duck-billed platypuses. They were not too hard to see but difficult to photograph. I managed to get one clear photo of it after about 15-minutes of watching it.

We had a great lunch at a funky, small Celtic cafe. The lunch was freshly cooked spinach and chicken pastry things. John will probably have the correct name... along with an excellent salad. We had a multilayered banana pudding, whip cream, chocolate dessert.

After lunch we entered the park and took a walk through the rain forest to two waterfalls, Russells Falls and Horseshoe falls. It was quite beautiful. I'm starting to realize that each rain forest is quite unique. You really can't say, "if you've seen one rain forest, you've seen them all!" On the way back we saw a wallabee slightly off the trail and took some photographs.

Our second hike was around the Dobson Lake. We came to find out that the term "around" did not necessarily mean "all the way" around even though we forced the issue and bushwacked our way all the way around. We were in search of more duck-billed playpuses, but found none. It was still quite beautiful.

After the park visit, and a Magnum Ego ice cream bar (a meal in itself!) we headed to the "Chalets" at StrathGordon (sp.) to stay overnight. The "Chalet" turned out to be motel-like rooms in a facility that had been build for housing construction workers for a large dam that we would visit the next day. It was still very nice for us because they actually supplied things like, towels... and hand towels ... and wash cloths... and shampoo, conditoner, soap... Wow! This place was first class compared to our backpacker haunts!

We took a night walk outside the hotel and saw some of the local wallabees and had a few drinks before turning in.


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