Friday, March 31, 2006

Batemans Bay...
Stayed overnight in a white-trash style trailer at Batesman's Bay YHA. Not horribly bad once we got another light bulb. It was raining that afternoon and into the evening and the forecast for for heavier rain the next day. Fortunately forcasts are not always correct - we woke up to a beautiful, sunny, cloudless day!

We spent the morning at Pebbly Beach and Depot Beach. I really didn't expect much, but as soon as we arrived at Pebbly Beach we started feeding a couple of parrots and ended up having virtually a flock enveloping us - on our heads, shoulders and arms! Guess they're quite used to getting fed. At one point it was difficult for John to take a picture of a parrot on my head because another one of the parrots would fly onto his camera! The parrots were quite colorful - one species was mainly red and the other mainly green. Pictures to follow...

We took a trip to nearby Depot Beach and again I didn't expect much. It turned out to be quite beautiful. The water was quite clear and a lot warmer than it was in Tasmania. We decided to go snorkeling and I'm glad we did, even though I had to hold a finger onto the rubber nose piece of my mask the entire time. It had ripped. We saw a huge sting ray and got to follow it for a while. It was very close. It was like the ones we had seen at the Melbourne and Kerry Tarleton Aquariums. Very cool! I wouldn't have dreamed we would have seen one of these creatures here!

The rest of the trip to Sydney was uneventful except for the dramatic transition from rural driving to the frantic city driving in Sydney. We had really been in a big city since we left the US.

We checked in our hostel, Boomerang Backpackers, and decided to stay just a couple of nights and find someplace else. It was a bit run down and the street it was on was under major construction. Also, it didn't have internet and that's become pretty important, especically when we're in a city and have some time to catch up on our blogs.

Tomorrow Tom Jones arrives from the USA and we plan to pick him up at the airport. That'll be cool! We had a great time traveling with Thomas in New Zealnd, Eric in Tasmania and it'll be fun to have a third travelling companion again in Australia.

Tom's will also be bringing a PC for me. After seeing other people bring PCs along on there world travels and realizing that we might cut internet costs by doing a lot of the work offline, I decided to purchase a PC. The neat thing was that a friend of mine, Tony, was willing to research PCs, buy one for me, configure it and then send it to Tom to bring to us.


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