Saturday, November 17, 2007

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Sorry for the absence! I'm re-settled into life in Phnom Penh. I'm continuing to live at the same apartment but am now designing a new, larger apartment that is being built on the floor above me. It will be big enough for mee to accommodate guests, so be sure and plan to visit me here!

My friend Glenn and I had a really nice 3 1/2 days when he visited from Oct. 18-21. We didn't do anything extraordinary, but he felt like he got a good taste of what Cambodia and Cambodian's are like and loved it. We took a 1 1/2 hour ride in a tuktuk, an open air carriage towed by a motorcycle, to the zoo. It's slow and gives you time to see things and take photographs. He visited NFC a couple of times and was impressed with the kids, the staff and how little it took to allow them to be happy. I was able to rent the apartment next to me for him for the 3 days and that was very convenient.

I flew to Bangkok on Oct. 31st to celebrate Korn's 32nd birthday on November 1st. He took two days off from work and we got to spend some relaxing time together. We went to the movies, went to a local zoo, ate out at some nice restaurants, rented DVD's and watched the rehearsal for the Royal Barge Ceremony on Chao Phraya river that flows through Bangkok.

I'm finally back to teaching again and am enjoying it. I teach 5 students in two 1 1/2 hour classes four days a week. They are the most advanced students in English and computer skills.

(Geek commentary) It took me a couple of weeks to clean viruses from computers at NFC and then another few weeks to finish the administrative parts of installing a Linux based SME Server for all the computers there.